Friday, September 6, 2013

Who is this Chuck guy?

Today for lunch I tried out a place in Tech Square. To put it in perspective how annoying it is to go to Tech Square generally, a huge highway goes through the middle of Atlanta. Georgia Tech campus goes right up to the left side of the highway. Tech Square is on the other side of the highway. See my annotated map below:

So you can imagine how rarely I go to Tech Square. The student center has Subway, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Chick-fil-a and the refec containing Asian, Indian, Mexican, Wraps, Mediterranean, a Sandwich/salad bar, etc. How good does that sound? Admittedly I do have to walk through Tech Square in the afternoon to get my bus home but you don't want to stop in the arvo. You just want to get home.

But today I wanted to speak to a TA (teaching assistant, aka tutor) about a homework that I had due Tuesday whose office was up in Tech Square and his office hours where from 12-1:30. So I figure, why not make a lunch out of it.

Now Tech square does have it's fair share of good eating options, granted. It has Subway, Mexican, Mediterranean/Wraps, Asian, Waffle House, (are you sensing a theme here for fast food type options...?), Frozen Yogurt (apparently fat free) and two sort of diners (one Italian, the other just generic sports bar). But one place had caught my eye in my travels. Chuck's famous sandwich bar. Famous? I'll be the judge of that...

There are two points I'd like to make about this place. Scratch that, three. Firstly, it is not famous. I have never heard of Chuck's sandwiches and I've had better sandwiches in my lifetime. Next. Secondly, when you see on the menu a chicken or tuna salad club sandwich, what do you expect? I expected chicken fillets on a club sandwich (namely bacon, lettuce, tomato and mayo toasted on wheat which was advertised as the club section). I naturally assumed the salad part was either referring to the lettuce/tomato combo or the tuna comes in that mush kinda format. BTW ewww tuna..... But no chicken fillets were in sight. It was literally tuna salad but with chicken. WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT?!?! You just ruined a perfectly good chance of a tasty sandwich and made it this weird texture. It had a vague smell and taste of chicken but in all honesty, it kinda reminded me of peanut butter which completely baffled my mind...
Admittedly, their so called famous sandwich was a roast sandwich but it had coleslaw and pickles and stuff on it and I just stopped reading when I saw those words. Maybe I'll try a burger next time instead of a sandwich.

The third thing is something that definitely blew my mind. It's something so simple yet so ingenious that it made me re-evaluate my complete notion of what this thing is. It was their lids on their cups. More specifically, the position of the straw relative to the lid. Now on most lids, the hole for the straw is in the middle, makes sense. But when you get to the end, you have to tip the cup on an angle and push the straw so that you can get the last little bit. Chuck though, has a brilliant idea. Move the hole for the straw to one side.
See my diagram for further explanation (MS Paint FTW :p):

So when you have to tip the cup on an angle, you don't have to change the position of the straw at all!! It's already in the little reservoir that you've created. How amazing is this idea?!?! Why has no one else thought of this? Is it copyrighted to Chuck? Is this why Chuck is so famous? Someone needs to answer these questions!!

So as you can see, I'm really answering life's big questions while I'm over here.... 
One straw at a time.

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