Thursday, September 12, 2013

"If you're wanting to go on and make some money, you're in the right field"

As sure as I am that it's a big there at UQ, Career's Fair here at Tech is apparently a big thing and why shouldn't it be? Although I believe Tech's Career Fair (or fest as one professor called it because of all the free stuff as anyone who has been to one of these things would sure agree) is quite larger than UQ's. From a software engineering perspective, we get a few big companies at UQ but we don't get reps from Google AND Microsoft AND Apple AND other big names such as EA and Intel and Symantic (Norton Anti-virus) as well as a huge slew of companies that professors on campus helped start up or co-founded.

A further indication of the scale of it is that half of campus actually dresses in their best business interview attire (suit/tie,etc) to just go to this fair. Indeed dress the part, show your intent and treat all the conversations as real interviews but from what I've seen at UQ, half the time people just slot it in between classes as if it was any other day. Maybe it's the laid back nature of Straya vs 'Merica...

An interesting remark one professor said about it was that while you may look at unemployment figures, they generally don't tell you the percentage of those that have a college degree, or even further those in the field of computer science. Apparently the unemployment in the field of computer science is near 1%. In the words of the professor "If you're wanting to go on and make some money, you're in the right field".

Although not getting the chance to check out this Career Fair (I was strangely given no information about it from the university, although I do delete on site those "Georgia Tech Daily Digest" news update emails, but everyone seemed to be talking about it...), I am unable to comment on how companies attracted students to their stand. What I can comment on is General Motors attempt to attract engineering students. Put your rep with his info on the main path outside the student center. That's bound to increase the number of people noticing you, granted. Have a some free stuff to give out, sure that helps. How about have a brand new Chevrolet Corvette just chilling next to you? Oh yeah, that certainly caught my attention! Boy, does this thing look nice. The guy said it's not modded in anyway, this is standard people. As in you could walk into a showroom and get exactly this straight off the bat. Damn, did it sound nice when he gave it a rev....

One day perhaps....although it may help if I actually go to these Career Fairs.

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