Monday, September 2, 2013

College Football on Saturday

So much like the previous entry on the Baseball. I'm going to just write what comes to me about the College Football game. I apologize in advance.
I also realise from typing these posts that I reuse a lot of sentence beginners,etc. I'm typing this in natural speak as if I was saying it as opposed to a proper written piece. Again I do apologize, I'm lazy and I'm not going to edit/proofread these posts.

The trouble with letting my mind wander on these posts and that things pop up and delay the thing I actually had in mind to type about and it takes a while to actually get to the real content. A perfect example is what I'm doing right ironic.

I like irony.

So on Saturday was the first home match of the College Football season. I knew college football was a big deal here but I never realised the scale a city will get on board. Walking from the Midtown MARTA station (train/bus interchange) to campus, you could feel the atmosphere slowly building the closer you got to campus. The thing that surprised me was that it's not just students that get involved. I saw everything from families with young kids through to older couples in Georgia Tech's White & Gold colours heading towards campus. I knew the students/frats would be tailgating but I didn't expect people to be doing it in the campus carparks as well. Even if it was just two people with their camping chairs and an esky, they were doing tailgating.

The game itself was a whitewash. By the time we actually entered in the gates, it was 21-0 and it finished 70-0 to Georgia Tech. Which was great for me to watch, I love seeing touchdowns. But a large proportion, about 50% of the crowd left at half time when the score was 42-0 because as I was told "The result was clear, so why stay?" At half time, the marching band came out and did there little thing as did the cheerleaders. It was uneventful in the sense not much can be written about it. It was fairly stereotypical and was fun to witness.

I'm afraid, I don't have that many anecdotes to tell about the game. I feel like compared to the baseball post which I just finished that this looks lackluster. I did really enjoy the game and the atmosphere.

I guess one other thing of noteworthy chuckle level would be the selling off of dominos pizzas at the end of the game. They would walk through the stand with a heap of pizzas. Originally with just the personal pizza size. At the beginning of the day, the personal size pizzas were $8. The guy walking around was saying $5. We joked to the guy walking past us, that we'd give him a $1 for one (knowing they were trying to give them away). He paused and thought about it, given the right pushing, he definitely would have given to us for a $1 I reckon but we told him we were joking and he moved on. The next guy to walk past was selling the personal pizzas for $4. The price drop to get rid of them had began....
Then the full large size pizzas came around for $10. So I said to the guy, that someone had just walked past saying the large ones for $7 rather than $10. He doubted this and I insisted that he had just walked past me onto the next section saying $7. This guy looked and me and asked if I had $7...I didn't nor did I want a pizza but it was amazing how easily the people could be swayed to get rid of these pizzas. About two minutes later the guy sitting next to me paid $5 for a full large one. He told me he almost paid $4 for it but only had a fiver. When I was walking back to the bus to go home after the game, I could hear people inside the stadium, giving out free pizzas.
Not to self...hold out for the pizza right to the very end.

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