Thursday, September 12, 2013

Look to the drive thru!

Now I'm not sure if I'm made comments on a lazy stereotype of Americans. I know I've reference the "BIG" stereotype and I guess some part of that is linked to laziness or at least a connotation to. So I guess this adds to that idea but when you think about it, is actually a really good idea.

Does anyone else hate when you need to go draw out some cash from the ATM but you gotta pull the car up, park it, jump out, get your money and then jump back in, pull out and on your way? We have drive-thru service for fast food, car washes and alcohol? Introducing the drive-thru ATM.

In essence, parking and getting out of your car isn't that much of a hassle. It's a little annoying but really not that bad. The only time it's really bad is if where your ATM is there's no where to park easily and that usually ends up with you going "Oh screw it, I'll get money some other time". So the whole concept of a drive thru ATM is pretty lazy in a way. When you break it down -
 "What is this parking business? You mean I have to line up my car in a between two lines? And then I have to turn the engine off? You know that turns off my music and AC as well right? And then what?? I have to get out of my car and physically walk the short distance to the ATM? What is this walking business? Who walks these days? We invented cars for a reason, duh!"

But think about it, how much faster and less hassle would it be with drive thru ATMs? You could be in and out in no time. Do you not want to leave the comfort of your AC-ed car? No problem, just use the drive thru ATM. Having trouble finding a car park? No problem, just use the drive thru ATM. Listening to a really interesting (read funny) segment on Hamish & Andy? No problem, just use the drive thru ATM. Worried about someone hanging around the ATM late at night? No problem, just use the drive thru, you have a couple of ton of metal as a defense!

And really, it's not that much of a hassle from the bank's perspective, if look at the picture, it's been built into the bank's property pretty well. It's just a regular ATM so no added cost there, the only added cost is the cost of the actual road but surely that would be paid off with bringing in no customers?

So Commonwealth, Suncorp, NAB or ANZ, if you want fresh ideas? Look to the drive thru!

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