Monday, August 26, 2013

Shortcuts cause ruts and other things....

I've realised that one thing I do miss about UQ (apart from the Red Room and the obvious superiority complex you get over other Brisbane universities) is the Great Court. It's quintessential UQ and is a perfect spot for lunch or just to chill during a break....

Georgia Tech does not have a Great Court. It has a Tech Green but it is surrounded by little signs saying "Shortcuts cause ruts. Use the walkway" or "Do your part, keep off the grass" or "You wouldn't steal a car...." or some other poetic device telling you not to walk on the grass. While I understand the reasoning, the green does look good, I feel like it's a missed opportunity a build an atmosphere on campus.

What Georgia Tech does have though, is this little fountain and seating type area which is a great place for lunch or to chill. There's a nice breeze with every now again throwing some mist over you, beautiful sunshine beating down and it's right outside the student center where most of the food outlets are. There's a plaque saying the foundation was laid by the class of 1913 so for a 100 year old fountain, it's holding up pretty well.

So while GT doesn't have a Great Court, or even an alright court (that's a Karl Pilkington reference for those playing at home), it does have a nice fountain seating area which I'm sure I'll spend more than a few lunches.

P.S I have seen signs saying next week they'll be showing a screening of The Internship featuring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, which had scenes filmed on campus here because the architect of some of the buildings is the same one who designed the Google offices, on the Tech Green so maybe it's not all ruts...

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