Thursday, August 22, 2013

American money annoys me

So american money annoys me. To me dollar bills are unnecessary, why not save them up and pay one big bill?

Puns aside, the dollar note can be annoying because it fills up your wallet real quick. Furthermore, the coin situation is even worse. There's the quarter, a dime (10 cents), a nickel (5 cents) and then the penny (1 cent). So when you get change, you get a whole heap of small coins and notes. This wouldnt as bad if there wasn't a general vibe of distaste towards paying with change or taking your time to count it out. Plus don't get me started on tipping (trust me, I know how to do 15% in my head pretty well). So the upshot of this is that I use my card for most transactions to minimise the annoying change I have to have.

As an illustration, a friend who recently went to new York for about a week and half, brought back $5.08 in coins with only two quarters, crazy!

So what's the point of this rant about American money? The washer and dryer on my floor costs $1.25 each and only takes quarters. Thanks to a vending machine, I was able to devour a twix (but a twix packet comes with two, what's the plural of twix? Twixes? That just sounds wrong...) and enough quarters to at least wash me clothes. But alas, I'm short for the dryer and I'm lazy to go ask for change so this is the result. My homemade drying system, hopefully I have something to wear tomorrow...

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