Monday, August 26, 2013

Does size matter...?

So the concept of America does things bigger I touched on briefly but here are yet more examples of clearly bigger is better.

The first example, bigger is definitely better. It's a frecking treehouse lookout. How awesome is that? It has at least 3 visible levels plus clearly a ground level. All you need is like a fireman's pole or slide from the top! Although I'm not sure how the house next door feels, not a lot of privacy. But ey, when you have a lookout tree house bigger than any house in the street, who cares!

The second example I don't know if it's really better or not. It's the escalators down to one of the subway stations, Peachtree Center. They're huge, at least 5 or 6 flights worth (going up on the left and going down on another one on the right. You can see my the stairs on the left picture by comparison for flights). They rival the London tube escalators. Normally I hate when people just stand there on escalators or at least block you from walking past them. "It's not a ride, things aren't going to pop up for you to see on the way". But when there this long, hell I ain't even mad bro. Well after a while I do, who has the patience to wait that entire time??

Not me for one.

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