Monday, August 26, 2013

Chick-fil-ah or Chick-fil-ay?

How would you pronounce "Chick-fil-a"? Would you say Chick-fil-ah or Chick-fil-ay? I originally said the former to which I found out was incorrect. To what I thought was some comment on how much you would be filled up by the aforementioned chicken was actually the American Fast Food way of trying to sound classy and pretentious at the same time. Despite this, they do have pretty cool alternates to fries.

Waffle fries!  Not chip shaped waffles but a waffle shaped chip. I have no idea why they choose to go with this idea, you can't get normal fries there. Clearly when whoever originally opened the chain, decided that fries were too low-brow and if we make them waffle fries (which is clearly European inspired, c'mon Belgium waffles anyone?) then we'll continue the theme they'd created. But they are delicious and you can tell they're cut from actual potatoes, sometimes the end of potatoes is one side of the waffle.

Definitely tasty and fun to try. 7/10 would eat again.

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